Thursday, August 30, 2007

Planets as Karakas (Producers)

The followers is a very, very effectual method for making anticipations that is relatively simple and only utilizes planets as karakas (indicators) without taking into consideration Lordships and planets in Signs or Houses.

The nine grahas (planets) are the pure military units that yoke person beingnesses to their karmas. They are points on a cosmic scorecard screening the virtue or deficiency thereof of every jiva (living being) in creation. These planets have got Gods and myths behind them and above all, they command the energy centres in every human body. These centres are called the chakras. The Signs they govern are the masculine and feminine energies of each chakra.

Karaka intends producer. Every planet bring forths respective things. A listing can only get to call all of the things a planet produces. However, everything you see around you is ruled by one of the nine grahas. Upon recognizing the producing personal effects of each planet, it stand ups to be noticed that in each peculiar chart the states of the planets change immensely. Some horoscopes have got got particularly strong karakas and others have weak ones. One horoscope may bring forth beautiful, epicurean vehicles and another may deny the individual a auto or give many billfold shrinkage trips to the mechanic.

What do a Karaka strong or weak?

Is it because it is placed in its ain or moolatrikona sign? Are it because it is opinion good houses?

In reply to these questions, it must be stated here that while evaluating planets as karakas, one makes NOT take into consideration the Signs or the Houses. The planets are sattvic, meaning they predate the Signs and the Houses. The Signs function to convey the planets into psychological and physical modes and the Houses convey the karmas indicated by the planets and the marks down to the Earth. From our place here upon World we look into the sky and pull lines from where we are into the four directions. These make the Houses. Planets in Houses and House Rulerships give the most concrete personal effects as experienced here on Earth.

Look at it this way. The karaka (planet) bring forths the thing. The Signs give it color, direction, size, form and so on. The Houses will demo where we will happen that thing and in what physical linguistic context we will undergo that thing.

The Mathematics (I know, I know, its deadening but absolutely necessary)

Please short letter that most Vedic astrological software system make these calculations.

As you can see, the planets come up first. So how make you measurement the strength of your planets as karakas (producers)? There are two constituents of this equation: Occha bala and Chesta Bala. Occha bala intends strength based upon the place of the planet in relation to its point of exaltation. Every planet have a grade in the Zodiac where it is exalted. The near this planet is to its grade of exaltation, the stronger the planet is in its Occha Bala. At the furthest point from ecstasy is the point of debilitation. A planet obtains points related to how close it is to the point of exaltation. Since the points of ecstasy and enervation are 180 grades apart and the most points a planet can obtain are 60, then every grade from the point of ecstasy a planet loses .333 points. For example, Venus is posited at 27 grades Gemini. This is exactly midway between the point of ecstasy of Venus (27 grades Pisces) and enervation of Venus (27 grades Virgo). Venus at 27 grades Twin would acquire 30 points of Occha bala.

Chesta bala is measured by the relative velocity of a planet. The slower the planet is moving in relation to its norm speed, the higher the Chesta bala. The planets are usually slowest when they are stationed, or about to travel retrograde, when they are retrograde and when they are about to turn direct. This is the point when they are closest to the Earth. Again, 60 is the figure for the peak Chesta Bala and 0 beingness the lowest.

The Sun and the Moon make not have got Chesta Bala. For the calculation, the Ayana bala (the decline from the equator) of the Sun is used and the Paksha bala (strength owed to Moonphases) for the Moon is used.

After all of these calculations, to acquire the good points (ishta phala) of a planet, the Ocha bala is multiplied by the Chesta Bala and the square root of the merchandise is extracted. Et voila!… you have got the Ishta Phala. The figure will be somewhere between 0 and 60. The residual is the Kashta Phala which are the malefic points. The good points plus the bad points always add up to 60. The thought is that it is better for the natural indicants of a planet if it have higher good points (above 30) and less bad points (below 30).

Karakas Are Never Malefic

What a karaka bring forths is never malefic. This is a very of import conception and should be repeated for emphasis. WHAT A KARAKA produces IS NEVER MALEFIC. Saturn and Red Planet are manufacturers of length of service and courage, just to call a few. Saturn bring forths unsusceptibility to disease and the ability to defeat obstructions (perseverance). It makes not bring forth those obstacles. Obstacles, misery, holds and reverses can be produced by any planet and have got got to make with their status in houses and as house lords, but make NOT have to make with their karakaship. When Saturn is afflicted as a karaka, in other words, when its malefic points outweigh its good points, then it gives a low tolerance for holds and setbacks. It gives a low tolerance for misery, so wretchedness and depression defeat the person. If Red Planet have low strength as a karaka, it gives a low tolerance for choler and no courage. When a individual have low courage, they are fearful, and when they are fearful, they flog out to protect themselves even when it is unwarranted. This is a volatile pique and declarative of a weak Mars.

The Difference between Malefics and Benefics as Karakas

The difference is this: A malefic will maintain its goodness for itself, producing those good qualities but it will give away its malefic inclinations to other planets through association. A benefic will give away its ishta (good points) to other planets but maintain its kashta (bad points) to itself. The malefics give away their maleficness through association and injury the planets they tie in with. What is meant by injury is when a malefic is aspecting a planet with full aspect, it will take away from that planet's ishta (good points) to the grade of the malefic's kashta (bad points). For example, if Saturn have 48 points of kashta and is aspecting Red Planet fully, and Red Planet have only 36 points of ishta (good points), then Saturn will destruct the good qualities of Red Planet during Saturn/Mars Oregon Mars/Saturn periods. During these periods, the individual will be fearful, angry and accident prone. Benefics give away their goodness and assist the planets they tie in with. Let us state that Venus in someone's chart have 42 good points and 18 bad points. Whatever planet it aspects, it will assist that planet to 42 points which is extremely good during Venus periods.

Karakas in Prediction

With the exclusion of a few fictional character yogas, planetary events are always dasa dependent. This agency the planets will only give their personal effects when they are running their time periods and sub-periods. Saturn and Red Planet will give those things indigenous to Saturn and Mars. If they are low in strength, then they will not give their good energies, they will only give low tolerance for the negative qualities associated with these malefics.

A Note About Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu have got the ishta and kashta of Saturn and Mars, respectively.

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