This article is an energy reappraisal and update, as well as a review of United States and Horse Opera energy policies, or a deficiency thereof. This is not about Eastern energy policies because they will follow our political and marketplace takes in dealing with a necessary and long delinquent displacement out of the antediluvian energy substructures that have got been perpetuated for corporate net income and political profiteering.
Let's talking about energy first, and this is very old information that is continually suppressed and marginalized by the existent energy politics. The sun, and wind are free. Oil, coal, gas and atomic are
NOT free - and they are very toxic. Just as we had the foresightedness to construct hydroelectric darns we must switch into solar, wind and H technologies. Solar and wind engineerings have got less ecological downside than even the hydroelectric darn systems by the way. Hydrogen Burns to go forth water, not carbon, and H can be easily created with solar or wind electrical generation
What's so good about free energy? It can be easily collected and added to the grid, or used in free standing private and corporate energy supply projects. Windmills and photovoltaic panels do sense
but there are even less expensive ways to garner the free energy that is present over most of the planet, most of the time.
Sunlight can also be reflected or focused onto H2O bagpipe that would make steam to drive electrical generators in the same manner as the atomic powerfulness works have got done - but without atomic accidents and the
cost of obtaining and maintenancing highly toxic atomic isotopes that are a strategical hazard and mark in themselves.
Sunlight can also be reflected by mirrors to heat up big mass constructions with built in updraft wind tunnels - since heated up air rises - to drive electrical generator fans well into the night.
Photovoltaic cells are not inexpensive, yet - but they work very well and inexpensively. There are also THERMOvoltaic cells that work with heat energy instead of direct sunlight, and they are continually being refined. They both usage free heat energy and sunlight.
Windmills work well, they necessitate not be the huge, corporately constructed and maintenanced models. Private individuals, like farmers, can construct and easily run these to drive generators. The generators could be made more than available with hookup kits that spell directly to the powerfulness power system to supply the husbandman with other income from energy companies. And individual windmills can supply beautiful variations, as sculpture on the landscape. Aesthetics awardings could even be given for originality and uniquely originative designings - they don't all have got to be like the insistent designings shown now.
Just as we shifted out of combustion coal for heat energy in the 50s, we must switch out of petroleum, gas, coal and atomic as much as possible for cleaner, less expensive, less strategically manipulated. The sadly renewed menaces to utilize more than coal, gas, crude oil and atomic are corporate propaganda for net income and continued political influence. Bash you cognize how many politicians just can't state no to oil money contributions?
Certainly we can utilize those dodo combustibles but they should be at 10% of our energy supply, not 90% of our energy supply. The air hoses industry should be congratulated, especially Virgin and other leaders, for looking at energy economy alternatives. The car industry have repeatedly succumbed to large oil's economical and political pressure levels for decades.
About the crude oil propaganda that all of our plastics used in every industry MUST come up from crude oil - this is absolute rubbish. We should be using ceramics, glass, and polymers that are created from other than crude oil derived substances. As much as possible they should be either easily reclaimable or biodegradable or both. The Numbers of these stuffs engineerings that are marginalized by crude oil political relation and profiteering is as great as the energy technologies.
In glass and ceramics alone, made predominantly from Si (sand), we could make more than lasting edifice products, with less fire risk, less hazard of rot, better insulative properties, better electroconduction engineering properties, etc. than plastic railroad siding and oil pitch based herpes zoster and paints.
Silicon is the most plentiful component on Earth, and many of its matters are almost free for the gathering. Brick, tile, railroad siding merchandises and roofing merchandises made from ceramics and glass compositions are already on the marketplaces but they are being sold rather expensively at present as interior designer options to the aged more than crude oil based materials. The terms can come up down with mass production and marketing.
Local edifice codifications must be forced to uniformly back up newer edifice stuffs and technologies, not just the same old engineerings that detergent builders foist off as expensive, traditionally accepted position symbol technologies. Just as the terms of newer stuffs decrease, so should the revenue enhancement for control on the usage of toxic engineerings increase.
Leaders like Matthew Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pope Ruth Benedict and Aluminum Gore, who are actively using newer and less toxic engineerings should be congratulated. The adult male or corporation who popularizes an cheap
electrical car should have the Alfred Nobel Prize.
These solar, wind, and H engineerings should be supported as human-centered plant by the billionaires. Alleviating the worldwide political relation and profiteering of large oil, with it's toxic residue and stimulation of politically based warfares worldwide, would be far more than good to mankind, other species and the planet than any other human-centered enterprise I can imagine.
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