Sunday, February 18, 2007

A new day

Oh my last night was nice. I spent a almost two hours on the phone with my new friend. She is the sweetest, kindest person I have met in a very long time. She definitely has me under her spell. No doubt about that. :)

The only thing I really need to do today is the dreaded trash duty. I need to clean the fridge out and gather the trash from around the house and then, of course, take it out and roll that goofy can to the street for the pick-up tomorrow. That shouldn't take too long. It is just that I hate trash duty. I would rather let it hang out in bags in the kitchen that take it out. I know that is gross and disgusting but when you hate something, you hate it.

My parents have begun the trek to head back home. I hope that the weather is good for them so that they do not have too many troubles.

I have worked very hard this week in the house. I do hope my parents notice and are pleased. That is pathetic that I still want approval from my parents, isn't it? Pitiful...

Well, I promised my new friend I would call her this morning and I am going to do that in a couple of hours. I want to read more in my new book and get that refrigerator done first.

I hope that today brings my blog buddies nothing but goodness. For those that are struggling, please know you are not alone. There are many of us out here that struggle. Hang in there as there are better days ahead. I wouldn't have thought that on Friday when I was going through all that mess but I know that since I had a good day yesterday and I have a feeling that today will be good too, that it does happen. Good days do happen even in the midst of the worst strife and discord, not to mention all the ugly feelings that go with that.

Take care.

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