Monday, April 30, 2007

Beltane! Celebrate!

I love Beltane! I love this time of year! It is about the awakening of the earth from the cold of winter. As the mythology says, it is about the earth waking up from it's deep sleep from winter.

Let us look at the new life all around us! Look at all the colors of the flowers that are blooming in our yards and parks. See all the life my friends!

It is miraculous this time of year. Things that were dead all winter are alive with color and are magnificent.

Spring is my favorite time of year. It is now that we should plan our gardens for the wonderful harvest that happens in the summer and fall.

Let us impregnate our gardens. Let us impregnate our lives with love, joy and hope! Beltane and spring is about fertility. It is about growth.

If you have been wanting a baby, what a better than than this to make love and conceive? We are as fertile as the earth is in spring. If you are not wanting a child, then make love to the one you love for the joy of it. Celebrate your relationship! Celebrate the love and the joy that brought you together! Make love and when you do make hope and joy that comes to us each spring.

We were created as emotional and sexual beings. Let us celebrate this! Happiness, joy and hope are glorious emotions, so is our sexuality. Celebrate it! Love it! Create more of it!

Not only is this a grand and wonderful fertile time but it is sacred too. It is at this time that we should all raise our voices and eyes to the Creator and be thankful and full of praise for all that has been given to us. Rejoice with me! Rejoice with each other!

Brightest Beltane Blessings and as it is said, Blessed Be, indeed!

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