Lets get one thing straight
I'm not
Straight that is
I'm gay
as gay as they come
Full rainbow flag flying
card carrying member
of the dyke club.
I don't mind seeing straight people make out
but I don't want to hear about the rest
any more than a straight person wants to hear
about how I went down
on my girl last night.
But one thing is certain
it may not be my American right
but it is my HUMAN right
that I can love whoever I'd like.
So unless you want a queer like me
running for office of presidency
and outlawing your marriage to the redneck on the corner that
you've spent the last two years dreaming about
then move, follow, or get out of the way
this isn't the age of Aquarius
and this is not the home of the brave
it's the home of the weak,
ignorant, and misconceived
and this my friends is the age of the gays.
To stand up and fight for what is right
Give me your hand and walk with me
I'll show you a piece of real life
The people who hate me because im 'strange'
The looks we get when we walk a little to close
womens sickened stares
mens sex craved stares
all of them piercing through me
Close your eyes look at it differently
Do I stare because your crippled,
or because your not the worlds perseption of perfect..... no
I smile at you and say 'Hi'
Just to be ignored and snikered at
But I let it go, you cant break me down
See I know you have family or someone close to you who is gay
you don't ignore them
Now open your eyes, no more pretending
You turn on your tv like every other day
'The struggles of a young actress' is the topic on your favorite
entertainment show
It must sound appealing, or are you in awe
As I tell the stories of the women that ignored my friendly gestures
only because I'm gay
Now that you see my name in lights you recall the girl on tv
she spoke to you that day
You ask yourself 'why was I so rude she was just being nice'
Yes I could hate you or hold a grudge but I don't
I only felt sorry for you that your ignorance of people has made you cruel
So next time say 'hi' cause the next time you look on tv you may see
someone just like me
Thank you 'Upgraded' for posting this on your blog. I, for one, appreciate it. Perfected worded and perfected spoken. I hear you loud and clear!
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